Purpose-driven business rules

Many businesses donate a part of their profit to good causes. Also, it is common advice amongst business and wealth coaches to build a profitable business so you become rich, and then donate to a charity of your choice. But why the detour? I don’t get it…. The smarter way is to build a business […]

What can AI do to advance sustainability?

There is much talk about AI and especially ChatGPT these days. I have been thinking a bit about how these technologies can be put to work to advance and speed up our work on sustainability and can see several ways. But I figured I might as well just ask it and here is the answer: […]

You Are Sitting on a Goldmine

The marketplace today expects more and more from you. Better and greener products at a compatible price. It can seem like a daunting challenge. I’m here to tell you today that you are already sitting on a gold mine, and the challenge might appear bigger than it actually is. As a manufacturing company in northern […]

Launch: Free training program for impact entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs hold the key to creating many of the solutions that are needed to re-establish a world where people thrive as part of a stable, pleasant, and rich ecosystem. Entrepreneurship is a powerful tool, but like any tool, it needs direction and can be used for good or bad. I want to contribute to making […]

Make Sustainability Profitable

When done right, sustainability is a great driver for profit creation. On average, a manufacturing company in Denmark spends a bit more than half of all costs on raw materials and components. By comparison, less than a quarter is tied in salaries. I have not checked the statistics for other European countries, but given the […]

5 steps to a more profitable business

The competition is fierce in the marketplace, and everybody is looking for ways to get ahead. Use sustainability to get the edge and increase your sales, save money and get happier clients and employees. Imagine how much easier life will be with these three things in place. If you view sustainability as a technical discipline […]

The only sensible response to COP 27 as a human

ACT! Commit to just one meaningful change in your private and professional life and get started before the end of the month! Do it right and it will make your life better and your business more prosperous. We have far more to gain from the green transition than we stand to lose and still we […]

Sustainability Gives You Clients, Partners and Talent

When you seriously engage in sustainability, clients, partners, and talent come easy to you. This is a conclusion that I’ve seen unfold again and again for more than a decade, and the impact of such serious engagement in sustainability just keeps growing. But don’t just take my word for it. With my team, I’ve done […]

Resource efficiency is KING

We all know it. In the time of crisis, cash is king. Well, for a manufacturing company, there is a direct link between how resource efficient and how effective your use of resources is and money in the bank. Thus, what we really mean is: Resource efficiency is king. If you don’t have a resource […]
