
What to know how to make sustainability profitable for your business?

This #1 Amazon Bestseller book is your “how-to-guide”.
Click on the cover and dive into the first chapters.

Buy Jasper’s Bestselling Book

Want to know how to build a business that has a positive impact on the planet and your profits? This book shows you how.

‘This is a very well-written book that delivers thorough understanding through a solid red thread.’

Michael Bayer Thomsen, Senior Vice President, Zirk Solutions AS

‘It is an outstanding book that I am sure will be of great value to SMEs.’

Carsten Terp, Founder and Chief Editor, Impact Insider

‘It exceeded my expectations and I’m definitely going to use the tools when I help companies.’

Nicholas Mohr Krøyer, Business Developer and Circular Economy Specialist, Copenhagen Business Hub

‘The circular industrial economy is a conscious choice. By contrast, Nature’s circularity progresses by evolution and the linear industrial economy by competition between producers. The French pilot-poet Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s advice on this conscious choice in his book The Little Prince was, when you want to build a ship, don’t start by gathering wood, cutting boards and organising work gangs, instead create the longing for the sea, awaken within men the desire for the vast and endless sea. In this book, Jasper shows how he has motivated economic actors to make this conscious choice and succeed in the transition. It should interest anybody who wants to shift activities to the circular industrial economy.’

Walter R Stahl, Founder-Director at The Product-Life Institute Geneva and full member of The Club of Rome
