3 silly ideas business leaders tell themselves

We all have things we tell ourselves that are no good to us. They are often not even true and hinder our business success and personal achievements. But they are ingrained and need to be challenged for us to question them. Here are three that many business leaders suffer from and why they don’t hold […]

Why the time is now to speed up the green transition in your company

I hear many business leaders holding back or thinking about holding back on their sustainability effort. You are missing a huge potential to cut costs and distance yourself from your competition that is occupied with looking at their energy bill. “Newer waste a good crisis” as Churchill supposedly said. When it comes to the current […]

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Communicate on Sustainability

Choosing not to communicate about sustainability is high risk. In this post I’ll tell you why. And I’ll tell you what you need to have in place to go out and more safely communicate about sustainability. I’ve come across so many business leaders that are fearful and are holding back on communicating about heir effort […]

Resource efficiency is KING

It is often said that Cash is King in a time of crisis. Even though we are in a high-inflation crisis this is to some extent sound advice for many companies (both from a risk and opportunity perspective). For a manufacturing company, there is a direct link between an efficient- and effective use of resources […]

Business Leader – It’s on You!

This goes out to you, business leaders in the world. It’s on you! Well, it’s also on me and on all the other business leaders. What is on me, you’re thinking? To solve the climate crisis and sustainability crisis that we put ourselves in and to give hope to the people. Ernest and Young have […]

What’s the green transition really all about?

“Can we afford the green transition when our welfare system is under pressure?” I heard someone raise the question in the news yesterday. Similar questions come up regularly in companies. But if you experience that it is a choice between the green transition and delivering whatever you deliver, then you are not going about it […]

Effective go-to-market strategy for your sustainable solution

I often come across marketing material that promotes a green feature of some sort like being certified according to the EU Ecolabel. But if you think it is about the certificate you are missing the point. Focus on the results that come out of it and the value it gives your customers – that is […]

Creating lasting impact through temporary sports events

Normally I write about manufacturing companies, but this newsletter will be different. Here I will bring you insight into how I have used my approach on something as different as the World Championship in Horse Riding. Major events are a great tool for creating lasting positive change! Since the fall of last year, I have […]

Top 3 problems business leaders face regarding sustainability

With more than a decade of experience, there are three problems that I see business leaders struggle with again and again. When problems follow patterns they become predictable and solutions can be developed to solve them. So that is what I have done. I have worked with more than 100 companies, interacted with several times […]
